The charts below display personnel of the United Nations system by region, subregion and country of nationality. Data includes personnel with staff contracts or on staff appointments for one year or more.

The grouping of nationalities by regions and subregions is based on M49 standard of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNDS). The assignment of countries or areas to specific groupings is for statistical convenience and does not imply any assumption regarding political or other affiliation of countries or territories by the United Nations.

How to Navigate the page

Data may be filtered using the buttons above the table or the legend below the map. Advanced filtering is available at the bottom of the page. All data and charts are available for download.

  • UN System Statistics





Mouseover or click on a country to show its data/details. Mouseover or click on a point to show the details of a city/town. Click on the elected country again to zoom out the map or choose another country.